Wednesday, January 27, 2016

14 Pull up styles...

Saturday, January 9, 2016

How long does cannabis stay in your system

Online coaching

Check out @kwamebinta's Tweet:

Friday, January 8, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

No More Counting Minutes or Penny's

How many people do you know who don't have a mobile devise with them when ever possible? I can say honestly not many. In today's world smart phones have become the norm for many. I can remember back in the day when we would have to count our minutes and make calls after 7 pm when the minutes would become unlimited. Not long ago in 2012 the average cellphone bill was $80 In 2012 a smart phone could not do a fraction of the many things one can do in 2016, yet the price for service has dropped and one company that can take a lot of credit for that drop in prices was Solavei. Many now have phones that cost upward for $800 at retail prices used to make calls, take pictures, send and receive text messages, video chat, watch movies, share pictures, play games and many other functions, some companies will even offer those phones at price's well under retail as long as you use their network and until the phone have been paid for or sign a two year contract. On Sept. 21, 2012 Solavei in partnership with T Mobile was launched and it introduced to the USA unlimited voice, data and text for $49 or free. It was a great opportunity for the average person to eliminate their cellphone bill and even share in the revenue for helping to grow the companies membership. Thousands took the opportunity, understanding the old saying “a penny saved is a penny earned”. Some began making thousands of residual income each month, some making hundreds, some just eliminating their bill and some just paying less. Everything was going great membership grew and so did the revenue members earned for many it was the first time they had every made any money in network marketing. Many had found a company that was offering almost anyone with a cellphone the opportunity to earn a unlimited residual income without asking anyone to spend extra money or selling a product or service that people really did not need or want at high prices. It did not cost thousands of dollars to start this business. In fact the only cost was the first month cellphone bill $49. This to me was not the normal way that a capitalist economic system worked, in my opinion this way of earning income was the closer to a socialist economic system sharing revenue where the company will reward it's membership monetarily you for helping to grow the business by teaching other people how save money on their cellphone bill and/or even earn a residual income, to me it is a win win for everyone. Solavei, T Mobile and the Members. Back in 20012 and also in today's economy most people will agree that many people could use an extra $100 to $400 each month. Most people have no idea how to make that happen other then look for another full or part time job which are not easy to find. And if one does find that job, you will now spend less time at home, less time with the people who mean the most to you and less time to enjoy doing the things that give you joy, peace and happiness. Solavei shut down it's operation on November 5, 2015 because of some business decisions that would not allow it to sustain its operation to offer mobile service to its membership. Prior to the end of Solavei some of it's members could see that the business model was great but because of the mistakes made by Solavei it just would not last long so they got together to start another company with 4G LTE nationwide coverage. GCN Wireless began in March of 2015 and it is driven by the desire to create the type of company that we hoped those other companies would have been. I am grateful for the founding of Solavei and the opportunity it gave me and thousands of others who saw the opportunity and acted. I have not had to pay a cellphone bill for over 3 years, I have helped hundreds save money and taught a few how to be an entrepreneur and have earned several thousands of dollars and because of GCN Wireless that continues today. Many will look at this company and will say this is not a real business, because it did not cost thousands of dollars to start. It does not have a building, he don't have employees, it does not have any monthly overhead, etc. and some will even say well this not a Black owned business, and that is because they just don't know what a real business is in this modern era of mobile technology, many are stuck in the days when you did need a lot of the things in place that we don't need today, for them to look at it as a real business. This is the age of technology and service either you will work on a job that offers one or the other or both. The industrial age is gone, today we have companies like UBER that allows the average person can be apart of, if they have an automobile and smartphone. This is also the era of free mobile cellphone service, GCN wireless is not the first to offer the opportunity to get free service and I am sure it will not be the last. I also know that those of us who want more in life then to just to survive, those who see the vision of this company and see the opportunity that modern technology offers us all through GCN Wireless and take action, will be financially rewarded with the a residual income that will allow them to have the money and time to do the things at give them joy, peace and happiness... There are no guarantees in any business just as there is no guarantee your job will be here new week. After 100 years Pleasants Hardware Store is closing and Macy's is closing two stores in the Richmond Va area and many more will be closing and cutting back it's payroll, you see there is no guarantee that you will make any money in network marketing unless you put in the time and effort, but I can assure you that if you do nothing you will get nothing. Network marketing is a way to generate a very nice income if you have the product and or the service that almost everyone needs, has and can not be without. I know that is what we have through GCN Wireless. If you desire we will be glad to show you how to get free mobile and earn a income that can set you free if you desire to be...